Frostburg State University Holds State of the University Address

Sep 11, 2023 8:00 AM

Updates from President, Vice Presidents Highlight University’s Successes

On Thursday, Sept. 7, Frostburg State University held its annual State of the University (SOTU) address for faculty, staff and students. President Nowaczyk along with his team of vice presidents presented divisional updates showcasing the University’s successes over the past year.

Nowaczyk began the SOTU by sharing a few highlights. FSU now has two new buildings on campus – the Education and Health Sciences Center and the Adams/Wyche Multicultural Center, and enrollment of new students is up and at its highest since the fall of 2020.  “There was a level of enthusiasm that I saw over the summer at Bobcat Bound Days among parents and students that indicated that they were excited to be part of FSU.”

FSU’s current strategic plan ends this December. Moving forward, FSU will develop two strategic initiatives to lead the University through 2026. A 9-initiative Strategic Enrollment Management plan will focus on diversifying the student population and features academic and extracurricular programming that attracts students to FSU beyond affordability. FSU also plans to focus on internal and external campus culture to provide a healthy inclusive campus environment that is distinguishable from other institutions.

Others providing updates at the SOTU included Troy Donoway, vice president of Administration and Finance; Dr. Traki L. Taylor, Provost and vice president for Academic Affairs; Al Delia, vice president for Regional Development and Engagement; Dr. Artie Travis, vice president for Student Affairs; Robin Wynder, assistant vice president of Student Affairs in the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; and John Short, Esq., vice president for University Advancement.

You can experience the 2023 SOTU address in its entirety online.